The Best Color Temperature for Product Photography

Learn what is the best color temperature for product photography and how to get accurate representations without filters or software editing.

The Best Color Temperature for Product Photography

When it comes to product photography, the ideal color temperature is between 5,000 and 6,000 Kelvin. This range of neutral light won't produce the yellow or blue color that can occur at lower or higher temperatures. While some professionals may use a shade of color to their advantage, the Kelvin (K) unit is used to measure the color temperature of light sources in photography. The most commonly used temperature scale in photography ranges from approximately 2,000 K to 9,000 K.

In Lightroom, you can push the white balance slider up to 50,000 K, but it's rarely used with such high numbers. On average, most photographs are taken between 5,000 K and 7,500 K.If you're new to this concept, don't worry! I'll explain everything with examples. The best color temperature for a video studio light is the one that best meets your exact requirements. If you want a blue color in your video, the ideal would be a light with a rating of 4,000 to 5,000 K Kelvin.

If you need a more neutral lighting scheme, the bluish tone would seem wrong. The color temperature is measured on the Kelvin (K) scale and, generally, a camera's automatic AWB system can only be adjusted between 3,500 K and 8,000 K. It'll be difficult to get an image that doesn't look orange when you're shooting in your master bedroom at night, for example, since the color temperature of your home lighting will be lower. You can also have problems just before dawn, when the light is blue and has a higher color temperature than the automatic configuration can withstand. For product photography, the color temperature of the light must be neutral (not warm or cold) so that the product can be accurately represented in photographs. The ideal color temperature for product photography is 5,000 K as it provides the best color balance and representation without the need for filters or software editing.

Lighting described as “daylight” can range from about 4,700 K to about 6,500 K but not all of this range is suitable for specialized product photography.  It is best to stay in the middle of the range at 5,000 K for product photography. 

Whatever color temperature you are using, it is important that all of your lighting sources – natural and artificial – have the same approximate Kelvin value. This will ensure that the colors in your photos look consistent regardless of which light source was used.

Finally, be sure to pay attention to the intensity of your lighting. You may need to use a diffuser if you are using artificial light or shade yourself from direct sunlight if shooting outdoors. Too much light can cause unwanted reflections and glare on products. Too little light will make for dull photos with weak colors and contrast. Striking the right balance between the two is key for product photography. 

Happy shooting! 

If you need any help with your photos, head over to and get a free consultation from one of our professionals today. We'll make sure to help you get the perfect shot every time. 

Irvin Jackowiak
Irvin Jackowiak

Extreme beer nerd. General travel practitioner. Passionate food buff. Amateur pop culture fanatic. Hardcore pop culture evangelist. Professional music buff.

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